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The Excellence Project

The Project

Start date

1 January 2018


60 months


Department of Law

Project leader

Troiano Stefano


The Department of Law at the University of Verona is among the 180 Italian public university departments, together with four other University of Verona departments (Computer Science, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, and Biotechnology), that have been awarded the title of Department of Excellence by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, for having developed a research Project of Excellence in the 2018-2022 period. ANVUR, the Italian National Agency of the University and Research System, has recognised our Department’s excellence in research as well as in its scientific, organisational and teaching aspects.

The Project “Diritto, Cambiamenti e Tecnologie” (Law, Changes and Technologies) presented by the Department of Law, has been awarded about €7 million.

The idea behind the Project is to consider law as a tool for interpreting and effectively managing the changes that shape reality. Therefore, the Project aims to improve research standards and enhance the innovative models of scientific collaboration and teaching, with the latter aspect being dealt with on an experimental basis.

The Project – which has an international and interdisciplinary outlook, with the analysis focusing on areas in which the law plays a crucial role – offers a pathway for enhancing theoretical and practical knowledge. At the same time, the Project is committed to developing research and the dissemination of research outputs, as well as to improve the society’s ability to cope with changes and face the legal challenges posed by technology. The Project also aims to investigate changes in decision-making processes, both in the public and private dimensions, in the development of technologies, in the fashion and food sectors, but also within society and the economy.

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Scientific goals

Research and innovation.
A greater focus on research and innovation.
Leadership in research.
Developing leadership in the Project research areas.
Research and industry.
Bringing together the results of legal research and industry: in particular, industrial innovation (Industria 4.0), the professions, institutions and the third sector.
Research networks.
Developing strong research networks and cross-cutting projects integrating legal science expertise into research teams.

Project actions

Recruitment of teaching and research staff.
Recruiting skilled staff – both teaching staff and researchers – for the development of research, with a strong international and interdisciplinary attitude.
Establishment of IUSTeC and IDEA.
The establishment of a Centre of Excellence for research on Law, Technologies and Changes (IUSTeC Centre), and a laboratory on innovative teaching (IDEA) for enhancing learning methods for teaching staff and students alike.


In order to further develop its potential for industrial innovation (Industria 4.0), the Project especially focuses on the sectors of fashion and the food industry, both ideal for excellent production in a context of innovation and competition. The research is called to further investigate the peculiarities of these sectors, as well as promoting their growth and development thanks to the redefinition of a legal framework in which industrial, technological and organisational elements can effectively combine.

Initiatives and seminars

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